5,000 Double Verified Leads with 15+ Data Points for $249

A verified database of 400+ million B2B contacts & 100+ million Local Companies. Place your order, select your desired filters from our dashboard and your order is delivered. Every email is double verified. No need to use any other tools!


Take your Company to the next level

Our customers have made hundreds of thousands of dollars using our fully verified leads

How It Works

Buy a Plan

Choose one of our plans and pay with Stripe. Your login details to our dashboard will be emailed to you immediatly.

Create a New Order

Login to our dashboard, create a new order and select from multiple filters including - titles, number of employees, company type, industries, locations, annual revenue $, funding rounds and more.

Order Complete

Once you've submitted your order we process it and double verify every email, so you don't need to use any other verification tools. You will receive an email in 24 - 48 hours when your order is complete and can be downloaded in CSV format from our dashboard. Start sending from your favourite tool immediately and make sales!


Choose a plan that's right for you.


No minimum commitment

$ 379 / Month


No minimum commitment

$ 249 / Month


No minimum commitment

Contact Us


This is our sales and marketing edge! Using Bulk Leads, we managed to close a $25,000 deal that could turn into a $100,000 deal this year

Marketing Ignorante

S Presti

Nice platform and great quality bulk leads. Being verified saves me alot of time and buying 10k at a time I can import straight into my sending app and start shooting emails out immediatly.

Allied Global Marketing

A Brogan

Great company, simple process and within a few lists, it has already paid for itself through a $7,000/mo deal I closed.

Agency Partner Interactive

A Juzer

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